The Redmi Note 5 India launch has been confirmed at the event Xiaomi is hosting in New Delhi, with the company's India head Manu Kumar Jain and product manager Jai Mani taking the stage to showcase the device. The biggest change in the new smartphone compared to its predecessor is the bezel-less design, 18:9 aspect ratio, and larger 5.99-inch display. The Redmi Note 5 battery capacity is 4000mAh battery, and it is half a millimetre thinner than last year's model. The Redmi Note 5 Pro with up to 6GB RAM and dual rear cameras was also unveiled at the event.
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Specs
- Operating System MIUI 9.2 based on Android 7.1.1 Nougat
- Display 5.99-inch 18:9 FHD+ (2160x1080) IPS LCD panel
- 403ppi pixel density
- 450nits maximum brightness
- SoC Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 625
- Eight Cortex A53 cores at 2.0GHz
- 14nm
- GPU Adreno 506 with Vulkan API, OpenCL 2.0, and OpenGL ES 3.1
- 650MHz
- Storage 32GB/64GB
- microSD slot up to 128GB
- Rear camera 12MP with 1.25um pixel size and f/2.2 lens
- PDAF, LED flash
- 1080p video recording
- Front shooter 5MP with LED light
- 1080p video recording
- Beautify 3.0
- Connectivity LTE with VoLTE
- Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS, GLONASS
- Micro-USB, 3.5mm audio jack, IR blaster
- Networks LTE: 1/3/5/40/41
- GSM: 2/3/5/8
- WCDMA: 1/2/5/8
- Battery 4000mAh battery
- Fast charging (5V/2A)
- Fingerprint Rear fingerprint sensor
- Dimensions 158.5×75.45×8.05mm
- Weight 180g
- Colors Gold, Rose Gold, Blue, Black
But the smartphones weren't be the only thing Xiaomi showcased at the event as the Mi TV 4 was also unveiled. Being Xiaomi products, both are expected to offer a lot of features at affordable prices. Xiaomi is hosting a live stream video, embedded below, so that fans across the country can stay up to date with the launch event. We will also keep updating this page to bring to you the latest news on the Redmi Note 5 and Mi TV 4 India launch front, so just hit refresh for the updates.
Redmi Note 5, Redmi Note 5 Pro specifications
The Redmi Note 5 camera will include a 12-megapixel sensor with f/2.2 aperture, 1.25-micron pixel size, PDAF, and an LED flash module. The company spoke about the its HDR algorithm that enhances photos to deliver improved quality over the previous models in this range. Under the hood is the Snapdragon 625 processor, and there are two variants - 3GB RAM + 32GB storage, and 4GB RAM + 64GB storage. The company has designed a special charger exclusively for the Indian market, and will be giving a transparent silicon case free with the device.
Apart from the Redmi Note 5, the company is also bringing in the Redmi Note 5 Pro model in India, making it the handset's global debut. The Pro handset packs the Snapdragon 636 processor under the hood, and has a dual camera setup on the back (with 12-megapixel + 5-megapixel sensors). It will come with only one internal storage option (64GB), and two RAM variants - 4GB and 6GB. Both the Pro model and its sibling will be available in four colour options, namely Black, Lake Blue, Gold, and Rose Gold.
Redmi Note 5 price in India, release date
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 price in India will start at Rs. 9,999 for the variant with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage, and Rs. 11,999 for the 4GB RAM and 64GB storage option. As for the Redmi Note 5 Pro price in India, buyers will have to spend Rs. 13,999 for the 4GB RAM variant and Rs. 16,999 for the 6GB RAM model. Both smartphones will go on sale in India via, Flipkart and Mi Home offline stores starting February 22, and will be available in other offline stores "very soon." Jio will be giving cashback worth Rs. 2,200 and 100 percent additional data on buying the new Redmi Note 5 and Note 5 Pro smartphones.
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